Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Little Bit of Complaining

Around a year ago, I stopped by my Rheumatologist's office with what I thought was bursitis.  He gave me an injection.  I left and came back the next day.

"Did it help?" he asked.

"Sure, for the bursitis, but I have pain all the way around here."  I gestured from the font of my pelvis bone to the back.  Reluctantly, he injected the muscle with no idea what the problem was or if this would help.

His doubts were founded.  The pain wasn't really relieved.  I saw another Rheumatologist.

"What do you do for exercise?" she asked.

"Zumba," I answered.

Her eyes got big.  "Zumba is not a good exercise when you have hip problems."  She told me to stick with elliptical, bike or swimming.  She prescribed pain cream that I got from a compounding pharmacy in Denver.

Both rheumatologists recommended stretching.  I was diligent.  I stretched at home.  I tried Pilates. With Pilates, I could only handle one class a week and I spent most of the rest of the day with ice on my hip.   The day after I felt wonderful, but the day of, it was excruciating.

After several more weeks of pain, I wondered.  What if the stretching was hurting instead of helping?  What if the Rheumatologists had it all wrong?  I made an appointment with an orthopedist.

He could see a lump of calcification on top of my pelvis.  He ordered an MRI and a bone scan.

Turns out I have 4 things wrong with my hip. (How is that even possible?)

1. A muscle tear that was building calcium.  Ice, heat and rest is helping this.

2. Tendonitis that is presenting as bursitis.

3. A pinched nerve causing pain in my sciatica.

4. An impingement in my hip that is destroying the cartilage.

I now have to go to physical therapy which should help the tendonitis and the pinched nerve.  After 8 years of not being on any Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (or DMARDs for short), I have to head into the rheumatologist again to get on the heavy stuff, hoping that this will easy the impingement and delay--for years, if it works--having to have surgery on my hip.

While it's a bummer to have so many things wrong with one part of my body.  I'm grateful I have a plan and praying that some of these things will help.

Session over.  Thanks for listening.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Am I a Princess?

Yesterday Annika (7) donned her tiara (a real one from her beloved Aunt Annie) and asked, 
"Am I a real princess?"

"Yes!" I told her without any hesitation.  "Do you know why?"

Her beautiful brown eyes were huge with amazement.  "Why?" she asked.

"Because you are the daughter of a King."

I hope she never forgets. 

Saturday, July 06, 2013


I love the summer!  I love it!

Summer in the Wood household means weekly trips to the library, swimming lessons and museum visits.  It's also chapter long read-a-louds that I can't find time to squeeze in during the school year.

This year I also added a book club with just the older kids and me.

It's been so much fun, reading a book together and discussing it.  There's only time for a few, but it's been so enriching.  I miss them so much when they head back to school each fall.

I love every school break, every holiday and summer--I just can't wait for.

We still have a lot ahead of us.  Emma goes to EFY next week, later we're heading to Yellowstone and then Emma and Anson will be gone to Girls Camp and Scout Camp at the same time.

Annika, Nathan and Beck being eaten at the Hutchings Museum in Lehi.

I love the school year, too.  I'm not gonna diss it.  There's a lot to be said for schedules, due dates and consistent learning.  But ah, I love the summer!