Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reasonable Weight Loss Goals

One of the big reasons (pun intended) that the obese tend to experience so much wieght loss failure is setting unreasonable weight loss goals. At 5' 8", the most I am supposed to weigh is 158 lbs according to Weight Watchers. But that is not a reasonable goal for me.

When I weighed just under 180, I wore a size M top. What would 158, put me at? XS? I don't need or desire to be an extra small. What I really want for my own "best size" would be for people to describe me as "Normal" or "on the heavy side of normal." I'm totally cool with that.

But inaddition to a "size" goal, I also have some lifestyle goals. I want to be able to have some treats, perhaps a small treat every day. Although I have trigger foods (foods, that if I start eating I have trouble stopping) that I need to avoid. Mostly, I'd like to be able to enjoy a few bites of all life has to offer. The second lifestyle goal is to be more active. I'd love to get out and do. I need to find fun ways to exercise so that it is a joy, not a punishment.

I recently read this blog about a BBQ. Let me preface this by saying, I complete admire Melodee Helms and her weight loss success. But if I went to the same BBQ. I would have had the hamburger, sans bun, vegies, with very little dressing, and fruit. But where she avoided the chips, potato salad and ice cream, I would have had, 2 points of chips (usually about 8-10), two teaspoons of potato salad, and a dollip of ice cream. This would bring my non-core foods total to about 6 points.

I, personally, will feel less deprived, if I have a little bit. Just a few tastes, would make a big difference. This is what people do. This is how to maintain weight. "Moderation in all things."

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