Monday, September 10, 2007

A Bit Snarky

OK, I'm feeling more compassionate and less snarky after venting to my mom. It's important to keep in mind that my challenges are different than my sister's challenges.

Plus, my house looks like crap. Poop. I mean poop. Her house is much, much cleaner. We couldn't be more opposite on this. Maybe I wouldn't have so much time for homework, piano and PTA volunteering if I kept my house clean.


Laurie said...

Hey...Your situation sounds very familiar only I'm the inconsistant teacher and my children are ready to fire me. The hold up is that I am "free." It seems like after age 8 children's ability to learn music seems to increase significantly so you may consider putting Emma in with a more consistant teacher and keeping your boys with your sister. Dealing with family can be wonderful and challenging. Good luck and trust your instincts!!You're a good mom!

Jenna Wood said...

You've hit the nail on the head. I've kept Emma with the teacher she has this summer and my boys have gone back to my sister. Still, it's frustrating to have things canceled...