Friday, September 07, 2007

It's a...

Apparently, I am unable to blog in the summer. It's been nagging at me to post something new, almost haunting me every time I looked at my favorites and saw "Blogger" I would get a painful twinge. Well, I'm back and the first order of business is on the baby front.

I'm 6th months pregnant and excited to tell you--we're having a BOY!! Nathan, my youngest son was so excited. He said, "Yesssss!" while pumping his fist, elbow bent. Then he looked around to see if this reaction was OK. Emma rolled her head a little in disappointment and announced, "I'm sticking with Annika." But I think all the kids will be pretty happy about him when he's here.

I have to admit that I am getting increasingly nervous about how young Annika will be when this little boy comes. It's not that I haven't done this before...Emma was 17.5 months when Anson was born and Anson was 20.5 months when Nathan was born. Maybe it's just that Nathan is 5 now and I've had it pretty easy the last 3 years.


Laurie said...

Congratulations! It's scarey until they come and then you just go with it. You're a great mom! I'm so excited for you. Hey, my new blog address is I had to change it. Check us out!! I'd love to keep in contact with you. We, mom's, with "large" families need each other!!

Laurie said...

Oh yea...I just wanted to say that I am so excited that you are back blogging! I missed reading about your family. I checked almost every day and today I was pleasantly surprised!! YEAH!!!!!