Friday, September 14, 2007


Wendell is home 3 mornings a week, which I love. And hate. It is so good to have his help getting kids out the door and I can often get a walk between the time Emma and Anson go to school (8:00) and Nathan goes to school (9:15). But there are drawbacks as well.

Wendell often has trouble remembering things like library day (where are the books?) and PE (child must be wearing tennis shoes). But the worst is the TV. We have two "no TV" days per week, usually Monday and Thursday. In addition, no TV is ever watched in the morning before school. Ever.

This is important. The last thing I want to hear when taking a child to school is, "But I haven't seen (blah, blah, blah show) before. I want to stay home and watch it. I'll go to school when it's over."

Me: Sorry you have to go to school NOW!

Child: WAH!!

See why we don't watch TV in the morning? Poor Wendell had to take Nathan to school the other day literally kicking and screaming. When Wendell got home, I reminded him of this rule and I'm sure it made sense to him. He looked at me grimly probably wishing he'd known this rule before. Rules, I've decided, make life a lot easier.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Funny post. I love having Ken around but when he is home during my work hours it's seems as ackward as if I went and hung around him at his work.