Wednesday, January 30, 2008


On Friday I had a great idea to take a picture of some flowers Wendell gave me for no reason at all and blog about it. I was going to say, "Everything's coming up roses, and daisies, and those funky green things on the side."

On Saturday I was going to write about taking all five of my children, by myself, mind you, to an art museum. And it went great! No one shouted. Nobody touched anything. And whenever I asked the kids to do something, they were very obedient. When we were leaving Nathan (5)said, "I thought that would be boring, but it was really fun!" And everybody begged to go back again when there are new exhibits next month. It was a proud moment.

Late Sunday night, after I heard about Pres. Hinckley's death, I was going to blog about him. Wendell and I watched a TV program about him that night and I couldn't help crying. Not so much about his passing, but about all the good he did in this life. The temples he got constructed, the saints* he visited in distant lands, who treasured this once-in-lifetime opportunity to see the Prophet. If I could only do a fraction of the good he did in his long life...

On Monday, Wendell had surgery on his elbow. I was going to take pictures of him in recovery with his sad swollen arm, so he could laugh later (and we could all laugh now!).

But none of that happened. I have become a defunct blogger. I keep missing day after day. Not that I don't have things to say, oh, believe me I have things to say. In fact, I often talk to myself. When people point out that I'm talking to myself again, I simply say, "I have to talk to myself. I'm one of the most interesting people I know!"

I guess life just gets busy sometimes. And in my defense I've been trying to organize. Generally speaking, this seems futile, but we're having success with my new bracelet/necklace hooks, our new laundry bins and our new chores. Oh, and Emma didn't get a very favorable grade in math this term so, in addition to her regular homework, I'm trying to spend an additional 2-3 hours per week just on math to fill in the holes she's acquired.

I'm sure with all that going on, you're shocked that blogging fell between the cracks. But then again, maybe that's happened to you too.

(*Mormon 101: Saints is another word for member. Our church's official name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So we call each other saints, but we have a very low threshold for sainthood.)


Lara said...

TOTALLY know what you mean. I always gave things to say but only end up taking the time to post pictures. And I only have 1 child so far!! I can only imagine how bad I'll be with multiple!!

Jenna said...

I do the same thing! I miss so many days, and sometimes I'm so tired, I'm I blog, or write it in my journal. I wish there was a way to print off an entire blog, pictures, and all, like a ready-made scrapbook/journal! Wouldn't that be great?! Anyway, yes, I really am Jenna, not Jennifer, and since I'm 34, it looks like I had the name first!!!! :) Thanks for coming by my blog today! Nice to meet you too!

ks said...

Aaaw. You've been BUSY. I can totally relate. And, well, you're missed! Can't wait until you're posting again!!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

I so get this! I don't know what it is about this time of year. Is there really anything going on between Christmas and Valentines? Shouldn't we be able to blog to our hearts' content? I am swamped, and I don't even know what it is that I've been busy with!

Sounds like you have been busy though! Thanks for the update, its good to hear from you.

Celia Fae said...

Oh, if only everyone could see all of the wonderful things my head has written. Really, I don't know how any of us have time for any of this.

The math tutoring sounds like my idea of hell.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I'm right there with you. I do the same thing. I have a lot of great ideas and intentions and somehow, with every day life happening, they all get blown out the window. Of course, it could also be the SNOW BLOWING AROUND OUTSIDE that does it. But I digress....

Laurie said...

We understand! Life just keeps happening with or without us documenting it. I figure a little is better than nothing and blogging is way more than I was doing before.

P.S. Thanks for the Christmas card and birth announcement! You have such a cute family and it was fun to get your card so maybe I'll still send February!

zippy said...

To the "younger" Jenna--I hear you loud and clear!! Why do think I only got around to posting once in November and then again in December?

To the "older" Jenna--I've heard that there actually is a way to print out your and text, not sure how that would work with say a slide show of pics though. I'll check on it, maybe try it out and get back to you...

Alisa said...

I just post it all and try to catch up. That may be unusual for people to do, but this serves as a form of a journal to me. Plus there are people like my MIL who don't get to see my kids or hear enough about day to day life, so I post for them. I spend too much time doing it, then I take a break, then I come back again.

Jenna Wood said...

Jenna, I had to laugh when you pointed out you had the name first. Touche.

But I am keen on Zippy calling me "the younger Jenna." :)