Monday, March 10, 2008

I've Never Had One of These

I've had two thumb suckers, but never this...



Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

2 of my sisters were finger suckers. I sucked my thumb. My two boys preferred pacifiers!

*Tanyetta* said...

he looks so content!!! :)

Alisa said...

well I have been slacking on the blogging lately but more or less taking care of a lot of other stuff I have been neglecting- so all in all its good.
But I just have to say that this is REALLY cute. My kids all have the pacifiers.
I also caught up on some other entries and the piano one was quite interesting and funny. I wish I playing piano had been a requirement for me- I don't know how. It is a requirement in my home now though! I absolutely do not remember that day back at Wyview, how odd of that individual to do that-- whatever.... I am glad you have sense enough to get over that, that was out of line for her. I don't notice mistakes because I don't play! BYU had so many taleneted people I always felt like there was someone better than me at any given thing- oh well.

Unknown said...

So sweet. Preston is a thumb and finger sucker. It's nice when they can soothe themselves, isn't it.

Becky said...

He is so adorable! I didn't have thumb suckers. One was a binki baby and one was a finger sucker.

Lara said...

Seriously, finger sucking is the cutest thing. So hard to get over, though. I think I did it til I was 6 or so... I probably just liked being adorable, that's all. Maybe my hubby will like??

anna said...

okay, that is just tooo adorable! and my sis was a finger sucker! he's yummy delicious when he's asleep, no?