Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today's Facts

At 12:05 pm I fell down my stairs. I looked like a cartoon character on a banana peel as my feet suddenly, for no reason, went out from under me. I landed on my stairs on my back. I sat at the bottom of my stairs gasping for breath, because, apparently when you land on your back on the stairs the wind gets knocked out of you.

I called weakly to Annika to bring me the phone, but seeing as she's only two she was unable to fulfill this assignment and I eventually had to get up and walk upstairs.

I picked up Nate from school, called my mom and laid on my bed bawling for the next 1.5 hours.

The back of my left arm is bruised and the muscles in my back are freaking out. Still.

I called a doctor and, after all the proper clearance, I am on the silly juice know as a muscle relaxant. I'm hoping to sleep well tonight. Wish me luck and more ice packs.


*Tanyetta* said...

So glad to hear you're in one piece.

Imma need you to warn us before you type something like this: **I looked like a cartoon character on a banana peel**

You know we have to laugh after we find out you're ok!!!! HUGS and I love the silly juice too :)

heather said...

Don't drink too much of that juice!! Hope you get better soon.

angie said...

JENNA! I hope you are o.k. I am so sorry! Falling as an adult is the worst. This winter, I slipped on ice on our front porch and went tumbling down. I quickly got up and pretended I was fine, in case some neighbors saw my fall, but I had a bloody elbow and it hurt...BAD. I hope the medication helps. So sorry!

Unknown said...

Glad you are not hurt any worse than that!! Get some rest and let us know how you are doing.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I'm sorry! Muscle relaxants are nice. Ice it for no more than 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Too much ice will actually have a negative affect. Take it easy. I think it's time for take out...

Jenna Wood said...

You guys are so sweet! I did really, really feel awful yesterday and when I woke up today I was definitely nervous.

But hour by hour I'm getting better. This is especially good since tomorrow, I'm traveling 2 hours to visit my grandparents and then 2 hours back again.

Fortunately, I'll be able to do it.

I know my little children and my family have been praying for me and I do feel that God has sped up the healing process for me in answer to their prayers.

Laurie said...

Jenna! I am so sorry! Mom's aren't suppose to fall down. It's way too hard to get up! I am so glad that you are not broke but bruised can be very painful also. Take it easy. I hope that you have some help from someone.

Shellie said...

Ouch! Hope you're feeling better soon.

zippy said...

Ow!! So sorry to hear about the fall, glad you're getting better!