Monday, September 27, 2010

I Met a Celebrity!

I know it's hard to believe, but I met a real, bona fide celebrity: Stephanie Nielson! You know, from the Nie Nie Dialogs. I met her. No kidding.

Stephanie with her sweet hubby. I did not meet the sweet hubby.

I was shopping at Target for usual things like a piggy bank for Annika (hers broke over the weekend and, yes, I got exactly the same breakable kind again), socks for Annika and I found a shirt for Annika on clearance and an outfit for Beck that was cute.

So we are in the sock aisle and debating if the purple tights will go with Annika's new green/blue/black/purple skirt I got her for back-to-school and there, around the corner comes Stephanie Nielson.

Now, because we live just one city apart, I have always know this moment could be a possibility. That someday, I might really run into her. And I've pictured how that would go down. And what I would like to tell her about how thankful I am for her and her blog. In my picture of this moment, I would be really cool.

Here's how it really went.

Me: STEPHANIE!!! (Like we're friends.)
S: Hi. (Like I don't know you.)
M: (gushing) Oh. Gosh. I read your blog. I love you. I love your blog. Everything you write is so uplifting. Thank you so much!!!
S: (totally cool and calm) Thanks. Do you live in Provo?
M: Orem, I'm just around the corner here.
S: Are these your children?
M: YES! (noticing I have children) These are my numbers 4 and 5.
S: Good for you!
M: I'm coming on Thursday to the thing you are speaking at at BYU. (Just this morning I was debating if I should go; now I was committed.)
S: Oh good!
M: (blubbering) I really appreciate all that you've been through. Our trials are different, but I think our feelings are the same and I really appreciate everything you've written that has helped me face my trials.
S: Thank you. (hugging me)

After that she said that she'd see me on Thursday. And I told her that whether she saw me or not, I'd be there. Then I apologized for blubbering and holding her up and realized that everyone must do this. She smiled and said that she didn't mind.

I have to admit that I noticed her cute outfit. She had on a gray sweater with a frilly front, skinny jeans and gray sandals that are so cool that they are beyond description.


Tiffany Wood said...

They totally parked next to me in Costco one day. I was pulling out, they were pulling in but I felt the same way!

D-dawg said...

AWESOME! I have totally imagined meeting her. I'm sure if I really did I would gush like you. That is so exciting.