Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quote for the Day

I know bloggers who have a weekly ritual of some sort. Some have a Wordless Wednesday where they simply post an adorable picture of their child. Some have a Saturday Synopsis where they quickly rehash everything that happened the previous week that they didn't have time to post. I know one lady who does a Tuesday Shoesday and features new shoes that she bought. (Imagine having enough new shoes to post about it weekly!)

My most burning question is, what rhymes with quote? ....Zactly. It's a problem. And I'm not good about the weekly stuff. I mean sometimes I'll write every day, then other times it will be weeks and weeks between posts. It's just a matter of how busy I am and how big of a priority it is.

I guess this "feature" will be periodic. But I'd love to share some of my 200+ quotes. I don't really know how to pick, so I'll probably just go in order of General Conference talks I read.

Here is my first 2011 Quote for the Day!

"Joseph Smith was told that the terrible things he suffered for years at the hands of his enemies would 'give [him] experience, and...be for [his] good.'  The suffering we experience through offenses of others is a valuable, though painful, school for improving our own behavior."
------Elder Whitney Clayton, Ensign, Nov 2009, "That Your Burdens May Be Light"


Christy said...

Love this quote! How apropos that you follow up your Sunday experience with this quote!

Jenna Wood said...

Thanks, you are very sweet to say so. When we have problems or issues, it's nice to think of people who have struggled and suffered so much more than we have. Joseph Smith went through things beyond comprehension.