Thursday, February 07, 2008

Annika's First Prayer

The other day Annika (22 months) and I were having a late breakfast. We had prayed with the kids in the morning before they went to school and blessed the food. So when I came back, it never crossed my mind to bless it again.

So Annika and I begin to munch and she suddenly folds her arms and says, "Daddy's arm better." I looked at her a bit dumbfounded. She wanted to pray and she wanted to pray for Daddy's arm to get better. (He had surgery just a week and a half ago.)

I folded my arms and tried to help her say a prayer. Some of the words she'd say and some she wouldn't, but by the "Amen" I was pretty proud of her. A few moments later she folded her arms and prayed again, determined to do it by herself. She said, "Father, bless Daddy's hurt arm... better." Then she finally ate her food.


Melia said...

What an adorable story. She is obviously being taught correctly.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

That's so sweet. You've taught her well!!!

Lara said...

That's exactly what they're here for - the little things like that teach us volumes! Love it. What a sweet, smart girl. And not even 2 yet!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet. I remember my child's first sincere prayer. It brought tears to my eyes.

ks said...

That. Is. So. Sweet.

I totally love this age, don't you? *sigh* Yup! Its my fav!!

Alisa said...

I LOVE that! My son insists on saying the prayer and literally SCREAMS if someone else prays, because that is apparently his job. Only his prayers have no actual words, all jibberish and it doesn't end until one of the rest of us says amen. I need to write this in my journal or somewhere where I can look and remember it. I use to think I would never forget stuff my kids do because it is too cute, but I have learned quickly that I do forget A LOT.

Jenna Wood said...

Liza, If we take too long to call on someone to pray, Annika just starts praying. So cute.